inspection services


PT WIDE & PIN has successfully done quite numbers of projects in various areas of engineering and inspection. This shows its competency, capability and client’s highly trustworthy.

This project categorized as

    Design Engineering Verification and Appraisal
  • PT WIDE & PIN start from Conoco’s WHP-B Platform structural engineering reassessment due to additional risers and crane modification then do all related design appraisal for Statutory and also FEED/BASIC ENGINEERING DESIGN VERIFICATION as a part of Independent Consultancy Services As built services for RBI study.
    RBI & RCM Study and Implementation
  • Through very good cooperation with DET NORSKE VERITAS, PT WIDE & PIN has done RBI study in Pertamina Refineries i.e. UP-I Pangkalan Brandan (LPG Unit), UP-II Dumai, UP-IV Cilacap, UP-V Balikpapan, UP-VII Sorong, also CPC Sulfolane and Butadiene Units at CPC Kaohshiung Taiwan.
    Pipeline Inspection and Certification
  • More than 34 pipelines either onshore or offshore have been certified.
    Inspection and Certification of Platform Structure
  • In line with SKPI works, we have done certification of platform structural worthiness.
    Equipments Inspection and Certification
  • Hundreds of equipments eg. pressure vessel, pressure safety valve, switchgear, generator, MCC, compressor, pump, crane, have been certified.
    Inspection and Certification of On Land Plant & Offshore Platform - Topside
  • Several Onshore Facilities and Offshore Platform Topsides have been certified for Facility Operational Safety Worthiness.
    Qualification and Certification Of Welders, Welding Procedure Specification (WPS) & NDT Divers
  • PT WIDE & PIN also provides qualification and certification services for Procedure Qualifications, Welders, Wet Welders and NDT Divers.
    Helicopter deck Inspection and Certification
  • PT WIDE & PIN has certified Heliport & Offshore Platform and Drilling Rig Helideck.
    Man Power Department Certification
  • With Man Power Department (DEPNAKER), PT WIDE & PIN has certification services of Boiler, Pressure Vessel, Mechanical Equipment s & Piping, Electrical & Instruments, Lifting Equipments and Lightning Protection.
    Vendor Quality Inspection & Expediting - Clients Representatives Services
  • PT WIDE & PIN has also provided Vendor Surveillance and expediting services almost around the globe including oil & gas, mining, electric power equipments, Pipe mill inspection and pipe coating and sub-surface equipments.
    Pipeline Operation Inspection and Certification
  • We have done Pipeline Operation Certification of DJ-MBP projects, including engineering reviews and inspections such as mechanical, instrument, and safety for pipeline system.
    Training & Certification of Personnel
  • In cooperation with International Institutions, PT WIDE & PIN has conducted RBI, RCM, MAP and various customize requested training program.
  • Through high determination and sustainable efforts and capabilities, PT WIDE & PIN possesses strong willingness to continue to reach better achievements in the future.
    Other Projects
  • We also provide the material failure analysis with support from various laboratory.
  • PT WIDE & PIN also developed data base for SAP Plant Maintenance Module.